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Showing posts from 2016


It has been so long since I've written anything, but something inspired me to write tonight. I was in my bed, about to go to sleep and I felt compelled to just write. We sometimes wonder why God puts the people in our lives that he does. But, I have realized that those people really are here for a real purpose. This past week has not been the easiest, to say the least, but God has put certain people in my life for a specific reason. My mom is there to unconditionally take my side and say she's going to kick the butt of anyone who does me wrong, my friends are there to allow me to vent and pump me up, and my husband is there to offer me a shoulder to cry on when life gets too tough. I would be nowhere without my family. But when I speak of my family, it doesn't just include those I am related to by blood. My family extends beyond my immediate family. My sister once said of me that my family is the most important thing to me and I am extremely loyal. I can't argue wit