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A Life-Changing Decision Remade

It has been a long time since I have written a blog post, but today I felt compelled to share a little of my story.

I wrote a blog a while back (Time for a Change...). In that blog, I wrote about my decision to make a lifestyle change. In that blog, I stated that I wasn't advocating a product. Needless to say, my mindset has changed a little. I will say this though, at the end of the day, while AdvoCare spurred my lifestyle change and has helped me out tremendously along the way, there have been other programs and people who have helped to keep me accountable, including the workouts posted on a community workout page that I can do from my home, a fabulous Team BeachBody coach Shanda Bandi, and, of course, my family and friends. I chose AdvoCare and I continue to choose it, but I'm forever grateful for all the help and encouragement along the way.

2014 was a tough year. We found out on December 30, 2013 that my dad had Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer. The feelings and emotions throughout his diagnosis and treatment were overwhelming, and my health suffered. I would go through periods where I would eat right and exercise, and then we'd get a round of bad news, and the exercise would cease and fast food was easier than thinking about cooking dinner.

The photo on the left is why I decided to make a change back in June. My mom took this photo and sent it to me shortly after. My mom, dad, daughter and I were going for a walk and mom wanted to get a pre-walk photo. When she sent it to me, I knew I needed a change. The image that I saw was not the image of myself that I wanted.

I started my first 24-Day Challenge in June of 2014. I had a lot of success and lost 13 inches overall and lost 14 pounds. The photo above on the right is me after finishing the challenge. I felt strong and healthy. At that point, I decided to become an independent distributor, both for the product discount to continue my journey but also because I wanted to help others have the success that I did.

Our next challenge was supposed to start in October, but my dad passed away. He was such an influence on me as far as my health and fitness goals were concerned that I decided to do the challenge in November. That challenge did not go as well as my first one as I was still deep in grief. However, doing the challenge at that time, did help me to not spiral out of control. I didn't lose as much, but I also didn't have near as much success as I'd had in June. The fault was on me as I made a lot of excuses during the challenge. At the end of the challenge, I didn't go back and do my weight or measurements. I was just happy to make it through with about a 70% effort.

That brings us to today and my decision to write a new blog post. I haven't written one since I wrote Dad's Memorial Service back on October 22. On Sunday, Adam and I got back to working out. Well, he worked out with me as I got back to working out after hurting my neck from going too hard at the beginning of December. I know how proud my dad was of my transformation, and it is my goal to keep making him proud by getting stronger and healthier. I'm getting ready to start my third challenge in February, and I've recommitted to making a difference in my life and in the lives of my family and friends. My dad was my health and fitness inspiration, and I want to be that for my kids. They work out with me and "help" me as I'm doing my exercises. I love cooking them meals that they enjoy eating and that are healthy for them. I love that they eat their fruits and veggies; it makes it so much easier to cook for our family.

Push Up Helper
So I'm back at it and ready to go. My mom, Adam and I are doing the 10K Across the Bay in November so I've got to get training for that. I'm also hoping that this will be the year that I finally do a triathlon and open water swim (though it'd help if I joined a gym with a pool and owned a bike with inflated wheels). Who knows what else is in store.....I may even consider doing the Army 10-miler again, preferably with Adam as opposed to him just cheering. But I am happy to have a program like AdvoCare to help me in my goals for a healthier lifestyle, and I can't wait to share my results!


  1. This is so great, Lindsay! I am on a similar journey for my wedding and beyond, so cheers to healthy living!

    1. Thank you! If you need any help, I'm here! You are going to look beautiful on your wedding day though, as usual. So happy for you and Anthony!


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