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We Run for Dad!

Well, we are at it again! Two years ago, dad had Gretchen and me sign up for the Across the Bay 10K with him. Last year, together with family and friends, I ran the 10K one month out from the day of my dad's passing. This year, I am proud to say that mom, Payton, Gretchen, Ben, Josh, Ashley, and I (with Austin on my back) are running it. The race is November 8, so we have plenty of time to train and raise funds.

Last year I worked to raise funds for the American Cancer Society (a great organization to donate to). This year, I am working to raise funds for the scholarship fund we started in my dad's memory. The goal is to get the scholarship fund up to $50,000 (the endowment level) so that we can begin awarding scholarships. The race has changed the way that they are doing their fundraising (you can only raise funds for 3 organizations) so I decided to do a personal donation page through my blog. 

I don't run because I particularly like running; I run because of my dad. And this race is a personal one that I hope to do each year and dedicate to him every year that I am able to participate. I think he'd be pleasantly surprised to hear that as he knew that I was not the biggest fan of running long distance.

This brings me to my request. Between now and November 8 when we do our run, please consider making a donation to the Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund. 

We are working through the specific details, but we have included the information for donating to the scholarship fund. Because we want this scholarship fund to continue, we aren't able to endow the scholarship until we reach a certain level of money, but the First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF) will continue to gather money for as long as it takes. 

To donate:
Go to:
Scroll down to the Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund and follow the instructions.

To donate to the Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund, please click here.  (Use your “tab” key to move from field to field on each PayPal page.)
Your donation will be made through PayPal; you don’t need a PayPal account to donate to FCEF.
To designate your donation to this fund, please enter “Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund” in the “Add special instructions to the seller” field on the payment review page
The transaction will appear on your credit card statement as “PayPal *FCEF”.

You can also donate via check. If you would like to donate via check please make it payable to "FCEF" and put "Sid Oaksmith Scholarship" in the memo field. You want to mail it to:
First Command c/o Gretchen Butler
121 Cathedral St.
Annapolis, MD 21401

Finally, if you'd like to do the race with us, get on the wait list today!  


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