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We Love Girl Scout Daisies!

After two years as Girl Scout Daisies (Kindergarten and First Grade), it's time for our girls to become Brownies! For their Bridging requirements, they had to do complete two steps. The first requirement was for the Girls to 'Pass It On.' We decided to take this step into the modern era of computers and technology and share our love of Daisies with you through a blog. The second, in case you were wondering, was to 'Look Ahead.' After we finished our blog, the girls got a taste of some of the activities they will do as Girl Scout Brownies over the next two years.

During their time as Daisies, the girls worked on their Petals, Leaves, Journeys, and Fun Patches. Some girls were with us for two years and some just three months. They met every other week to do crafts, play games, work on service projects and so much more. It has been a fun adventure as you will see from their varied answers.

Just like we had flower friends that we followed during Daisies, like Rosie the Rose and Gloria the Morning Glory, each girl got to pick their own special flower name for the blog. 

What is your favorite part about being a Daisy?
Touchdown Rose said her favorite part was when we did our Movie Night.
Amazing Rose said she loved the special days where we met outside of normal meeting times to be with our Daisy friends.
Violy the Violet said she liked that you got to earn petals that make a flower on your smock.
Awesome Violet told us that she liked earning the fun patches because you get to do fun things to earn them.
Dazzling Violet said her favorite thing was the trips that you get to go on with Girl Scouts.
Awesome Lupe liked the ceremonies that you get to be in like the Investiture Ceremony.
Mari Marigold told us that she liked snack time the best because it's really nice to have nice treats at meetings.
Rockin' Rose liked doing the activities about the Earth like learning about gardening.
Delightful Daisy and Amazing Daisy couldn't decide what they liked best because they liked everything!
Vi Vi Violet Gloria and Sunny Sunshine really loved the Bowling Party.
Gloria the Glorious liked when we went outdoors.
McKayla Rose like all the activities that we did during our meetings.

What was your best, most fun memory as a Daisy?
Rockin' Rose said it was being a Girl Scout with all of her friends.
Mari Marigold couldn't decide because everything was the best and such fun.
Dazzling Violet told us that her best memory was getting to play with the other Daisies.
Touchdown Rose, Amazing Rose, and Gloria the Glorious said that going to Build-A-Bear with their Girl Scout troop as their fun activity from selling Girl Scout cookies was the best!
Sunny Sunshine and McKayla Rose loved the Bowling Night we did to celebrate the end of door-to-door cookie sales.
Vi Vi Violet Gloria said her favorite memory was placing the flags and the wreaths at the West Point Cemetery during Veteran's Day, Memorial Day and before Christmas.
Awesome Lupe loved when we went overnight camping at the Liberty Science Center.
Delightful Daisy loved having movie night to kick off the year.
Awesome Violet's best memory was going to Bear Mountain Zoo and adopting an animal as their community service project after Girl Scout cookie sales.


What did you learn as a Daisy that you can take with you to Brownies?
Gloria the Glorious, Delightful Daisy, Sunny Sunshine, and Awesome Violet said the friends and the friendships they made while they were Daisies.
Rockin' Rose told us that she was going to take with her the Girl Scout Law.
Vi Vi Violet Gloria and McKayla Rose said they were taking kindness and the lesson to be kind to others with them.
Awesome Lupe said that she was going to remember to always be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Mari Marigold said she was going to take the memories of all the special places we went and all the fun things we did.
Amazing Daisy said she was going to remember to be helpful.
Dazzling Violet is taking all the fun from Daisies with her to Brownies.
Awesome Rose said that she would remember that she will always be a Girl Scout.

What was your favorite badge to earn?
Amazing Daisy said all the fun patches that go on the back of your smock.
Amazing Rose said her favorite patch was the Barbie Be Anything, Do Everything patch.
Gloria the Glorious and Violy the Violet said their favorite patch was the STEM patch.
Delightful Daisy and Touchdown Rose said their favorite was the Movie Night patch.
Sunny Sunshine's favorite patch is the Veteran's Day patch.
Rockin' Rose and Mari Marigold said their favorite patch was the Liberty Science Center patch.
Awesome Lupe loves all the petal patches she earned for the front of her smock.
Vi Vi Violet Gloria said her favorite was earning the courageous and strong petal patch.
Awesome Violet's favorite was the Army Football patch.
McKayla Rose loves the Cookie Leaf patches and the Cookie Selling patches on the front and back of her smock.
Dazzling Violet told us that her favorite was when they visited the fire station and they got the Fire Station Visit patch.

Why do you think that girls in Kindergarten and First Grade should join Daisies?
Gloria the Glorious said girls should join because as a Daisy you get to go on great adventures and explore the outdoors.
Awesome Lupe said that when you're a Daisy, you get to go on adventures to earn patches.
Delightful Daisy and Mari Marigold told us its because Daisies is really fun and fun is good.
Sunny Sunshine told us that girls should join because you get to make crafts.
Vi Vi Violet Gloria thinks girls should join Daisies because you get to make a lot of new friends.
Rockin' Rose said girls should join because you get to do lots of creative and fun stuff.
Touchdown Rose thinks girls should join because if you earn enough money through cookie sales, you can do fun things like go to Build-A-Bear.
Awesome Violet told us that you get to earn lots of patches and sell cookies, which is a lot of fun.
Dazzling Violet and Amazing Rose said to join because Girl Scouts is so much fun.
Violy the Violet said that you get to do a lot of fun stuff and go to fun meetings but also to other fun places like Build-A-Bear, the Museum of Natural History, and STEM events.

I hope you've enjoyed our little look into the amazingly awesome world that is Girl Scout Daisies! They have done so much in their short time as Daisies. They have some fun adventures waiting for them as Girl Scout Brownies, but I know they'll always remember their years as Daisies!


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