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Top 5 Personal Pet Peeves

To the outside world, I try to be calm and polite. I keep my annoyances to myself and I try not to let people see when I am getting aggravated. I do not proclaim to be like my grandmom; I never heard her say anything negative about anyone. But I do try to simply smile and go about my business.

My husband is wonderful as he listens to me at the end of the day when I've had enough of the outside world. I often tell him that I am going to say something, but he knows me better than that. He likes to remind me that I'm a lot of talk and not a lot of action. I hate it, but it's true.

You know that you are a friend when I tell you about the things that other people do that bothers the bejeezus out of me. You know you are family when I can tell you the things that bother me about you.

But there are a couple of things that I want to get off my chest. 

1. Be a GOOD neighbor!
I cannot stand a bad neighbor. When it snows, shovel. When the leaves fall and they are scattered all over the front porch, rake and sweep them up. If I put all the trash cans out, then you put them away or put them out the next time. Wave or say hi when you drive or walk past us. Don't leave a large mess in common areas, and teach your children not to leave a big mess.  Bottom line, be the neighbor that you would like your neighbor to be.
27" of snow won't stop me from getting to trash and recycle
2. RSVP means respond with a yes or a no!
Probably nothing gets under my nerves more than people who do not understand the meaning of RSVP. When someone asks you to RSVP, it means to let them know whether OR NOT you are coming. It's simple folks, if you are going then say, "Yes." If you are not going, then say, "No." You do not need to give a reason for saying no, but you do owe it to the person to respond. If you'd like to know more of my opinion on this matter of which I feel strongly about, please feel free to read my first blog, When Did RSVP Become a 4-Letter Word?

3. Get your children under control!
Please do not misunderstand me on this one. I know that children can get unruly at times; I have two of my own who are sometimes a little out of control. In public though, we do our best to ensure that they are well-behaved. They might make me angry from time to time, but I will do my best to make sure that they don't annoy you. I cannot tell you how many sporting events I have been to where a small child has kicked the back of my chair to the point where my husband, sitting a couple seats down, can hear the thud from their foot hitting the chair. If he can hear it, the parent of the child should be able to hear it. And if you tell them more than once and they don't listen, then move the child so they can kick a chair where no one is sitting. And please teach your children manners like please, thank you, and yes/no ma'am.

4. Let me have my own opinion!
I get annoyed when I voice my opinion or make a joke and I get attacked. And just an FYI, when I get nastygrams back, I tend to go on the offensive. It is the redhead in me that comes out with a vengeance, especially if I actually care about the topic enough. When I post my opinion, I'm not asking you to agree with it. So if you don't like my opinion, then ignore it because you aren't going to change my position on the issue. Chances are, you are just going to strengthen my resolve. That is the great thing about this country of ours, we all have the freedom to have our own opinion, so please stop trying to take that away from other people.

5. Be aware of your surroundings!
This one annoys me every time. Picture this, you are in the grocery store. The person in front of you is pushing their cart (or buggy or whatever you call it) down the center of the aisle, thus blocking people from being able to pass. Then, when you say something to them so that you can get by, they give you a dirty look like you are in the wrong. Or my other favorite, you are walking down a narrow sidewalk and some young teenagers are coming toward you. As the young kid, you should yield to the older but instead, they keep coming at you, playing a terrible game of chicken, until you finally move so as to avoid them. Think about what you are doing and watch where you are going. If you are younger, step aside for the older generation.

So now you have a small glimpse into my thoughts. I don't have big expectations from people, but I do expect some things out of people.


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